privacy policy

Guests who stay at our Seaside Vacation Rental Homes come first. Your info is safe and secure. Expect the best while at the beach, clean, affordable and secure!
The Seaside Vacation Homes Customer Privacy Policy has been developed as an extension of our commitment to combine the finest quality products and services with the highest level of integrity in dealing with our customers. The Policy guides how we collect, store and use information about customers and prospects, and it will be periodically assessed against new technologies, business practices and our customers’ changing needs. The Seaside Vacation Homes site may, from time to time, modify this Customer Privacy Policy to reflect legal, technological and other developments. In that event the changes will appear at this location. Our Policy recognizes two kinds of personal data that deserve varying levels of protection. Personally-Identifiable Information includes, for example, e-mail addresses, billing information.

Personally-Identifiable Information will only be collected to the extent that Seaside Vacation Homes deems reasonably necessary to serve a legitimate business purpose. Please be aware that if you disclose Personally-Identifiable Information on Website, that your information will not be shared with a third party.

Appropriate safeguards will be implemented to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of Personally-Identifiable Information about our customers and prospects.  All  guest billing information is stored and collected on  SSL server and is encripted for their protection.

The Seaside Vacation Homes Customer Privacy Policy has been developed out of respect for the privacy preferences and choices of our customers and prospects. We have established procedures to ensure that every reasonable effort is made to address your concerns.